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How Owning a Dog Can Elevate Your Quality of Life

How Owning a Dog Can Elevate Your Quality of Life
How Owning a Dog Can Elevate Your Quality of Life

Some people feel like they’re not animal lovers. They might tolerate a dog or cat when they visit a friend, but they don’t like petting them or engaging with them. The animal might get the hint and leave such a person alone. They may also keep trying to engage with this new person who’s in their territory. 

Many people like having animal companions, though. If you do, you might get something like a dog, cat, fish, bird, or certain reptiles as well.  

You should also understand why some animals are prohibited as pets if you’re thinking about getting one. Some animals can attack humans and seriously injure them. 

If you’re thinking about getting an animal, then a dog might remain at the top of your list. Owning a dog can elevate your quality of life in several ways.

The Exercise Aspect of Dog Ownership

If you talk to a dog owner, they can probably list many reasons why they love their pet. They might list their personality. Dogs do have personalities, just like people, and each one has unique traits that make them lovable. 

The owner might mention exercise. If you own a dog, particularly if you own a breed with a lot of energy, you will probably need to walk it multiple times per day. 

If you like to stay fit, then you will probably enjoy that. You can take the dog for walks around the neighborhood. You might go on longer walks on a nice day if the dog doesn’t mind. 

You can definitely lose some weight or stay trim if you walk the dog 2-3 times per day. You can go to the park and throw the frisbee around or investigate some of the trails through the woods.

You Might Enjoy Having a Loyal Companion

You may also like having a dog because of the fierce loyalty that comes with such a relationship. Dogs have a pack mentality. If they view you as the alpha dog, then you’re their leader, but they also look at you as family. 

A dog will probably show a lot of enthusiasm when you get home from work. They will frisk and caper about and wag their tails. They will cover your face with kisses.

While someone who doesn’t like animals much won’t understand or appreciate that kind of behavior, many people love to experience that. Some people who don’t like their fellow human beings very much might like dogs a lot more. 

With a dog, there’s never any question about it feels about you. You can tell that they love you by the affection they show. Relationships with dogs have no complications like you get with human relationships. With a dog, what you see and how they truly feel have no difference between them.

You Have an Animal to Guard the House

You will also have an animal to guard your house or apartment if you get one of the breeds that does that sort of thing. It’s true that some dogs, like Golden Retrievers and certain other breeds, will probably greet a burglar enthusiastically rather than attacking them, but at least they will bark to let you know someone’s there.

If you get a more protective and territorial dog, that’s often helpful too. If you live in a bad neighborhood, your dog can bark to warn you about prowlers or someone trying to break in.

You Can More Easily Socialize with People if You Have a Dog

A dog can also serve as a way for you to meet people. For instance, maybe you like to take your dog to the nearest coffee shop. You tie them up outside while you grab a latte. 

If people like your dog and it shows affection for strangers as well, then you can use the dog as a conversation starter. If you see someone often at the coffee shop, and they have a dog as well, then maybe you can bond over that. Sometimes romantic relationships start through mutual animal appreciation. 

If you take the dog to a park, then you might find other dogs and their owners there as well. You can start up a conversation and maybe make some new friends that way.  

How Would Do Best with a Dog?

If you’re thinking about getting a dog, that might very well enhance your life in all of the ways that we’ve mentioned. However, if you’re not an animal person, then you’d do better not getting one.

You can’t view a dog like an accessory, even the smaller ones. You’re buying a creature that you need to protect and cherish. 

Dogs don’t do well if they don’t show them that you care about them. If you’re cold or standoffish toward the dog, then it will think that you don’t like it or that it did something wrong.

If you can show the dog love, take it for walks, buy it toys, and find the time to play with it, then you should both do well in the relationship. You the dog will each get something out of your partnership. You will become family members and members of the same pack. 

Who Should Not Get One?

However, not just people who don’t like animals shouldn’t get dogs. You might love dogs, but you should never get one if you can’t afford everything it needs. 

Even if you love dogs and want one more than anything, if you don’t have the money to buy them nutritious food, toys, vet appointments, etc., then you will make the dog unhappy. You don’t ever want to do that.

You should also not buy a dog if you have a tiny apartment and you’re at work all day. That’s cruel, especially if you have an active dog that needs several walks every day.

If you’re at the right time of your life to own a dog, and you like animals, there’s no reason not to take the plunge.


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