Some Adorable Medium-Sized Dog Breeds

Unfortunately, pit bulls were involved in 284 fatal attacks. It can be sad and upsetting to see statistics like this about man’s best friend, but they’re not all like this. In fact, most dog breeds, especially medium ones, are very friendly.
The following information will prove this fact by telling you about some of the cutest medium dog breeds. Whether you’re looking for information about dogs so you can get the right breed for you or are just a dog enthusiast, you’ll probably find some interesting facts below.
Siberian Husky
Siberian Huskies are some of the most intelligent dogs. Pair this with their love of people and you have a great companion for your family. This intelligence can also be their downfall, though.
If they aren’t trained on a regular basis when they’re young, they may not take to your commands well because they are incredibly independent. They can also be quite stubborn. While cute, it can make walks and playtime a struggle. And if it happens to be snowing and the Husky goes out to enjoy it, with or without your permission, good luck getting them to come inside the house.
However, they’re very affectionate and energetic, so if you catch them in the right mood, you can have a great time together. Just remember that they are a working breed and have a lot of energy as a result. If you can’t take the time to go on long walks with them and still play with them at home, it may be wise to consider a different breed instead. This is especially true if you can’t handle too much noise since huskies love to “talk.”
Basset Hound
Few dogs are as adorable as the short, floppy-eared basset hound. They were bred to hunt small prey like rabbits and some tougher animals like boar.
Because of this, they have a great sense of smell, only rivaled by the infamous Bloodhound. When you’re out on a walk and a basset smells something interesting, they’ll be excited to follow that trail and chase their quarry, so you’ll need to keep a tight hold on the leash.
Outside of scent chasing, Basset Hounds are calm, quiet and friendly with those they know. It may take time for them to warm up to other people and animals, but you couldn’t ask for a better companion once successful.
However, they are extremely prone to separation anxiety. This is fine if you work at home all of the time, but you may need to get them a companion if you need to leave the house often or for an extended period of time. Training can also help but may not be as effective as you’d hoped.
Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds, and it’s not hard to see why. They’re high energy, very friendly, incredibly playful and love attention from wherever they can get it.
However, it's important to note that there are two main varieties of Labrador Retrievers, with each one having slightly different needs. The one that probably comes to mind first is the tall, slender version. This is the American variant and they were bred to work and have a lot of energy but may also be more prone to anxiety.
If you see a Labrador Retriever with a dense coat, shorter legs and a broad head then you’re looking at the English variety. They have less energy and may work better for a more relaxed family. No matter which type you see, know that they’re intelligent, ready to play with and meet everyone who walks by: humans, other dogs, and other animals. Just keep an eye on them; they like to escape.
Few dogs are as iconic as the infamous Beagle. You’ll almost always find these little guys barking at something or following a smell they found. Keep an eye on them if they’re doing the latter; they may accidentally get lost or put themselves in danger. This isn't their only negative quirk though. They can be destructive and loud when left alone because they love to howl and bark.
A friend may help with this, but training may not since they don’t always take to it very well. It’s also very easy for them to become overweight, so their diets must be watched closely and treats need to be limited. They love people and animals though, so they may work out well if you have a large family.
If you’re looking for a marathon training buddy or just love to run then you need to know about Whippets. These long, slender dogs were bred for running and chasing, so keep a tight grip on the leash during your jogs! They may try to chase other animals or even other people. Though, they do the latter less for their chasing instincts and more because they want their attention. Whippets love people and other animals, which is great since you’ll need to get them a companion.
Similarly to Basset Hounds, their separation anxiety is high and while training may be effective, it is still wise to get another playful dog so they always have someone to play with or chase when they get the zoomies. Speaking of training, Whippets love it and take to it well. If you have a backyard, you may be able to set up a coursing track to keep them entertained for hours.
Border Collie
Border Collies are also smart like huskies but are less stubborn. Quite the opposite in fact: they love being given commands because it makes them feel like they’re working and making you happy. This means they have a lot of energy, but also that they take to training well. So while playtimes and long walks can help get out that energy, the occasional training session will work wonders as well.
You may begin to see their natural instincts kick in if you live with more than one person or animal because your Border Collie may try to herd them or you. Yes, they were bred in Scotland to be sheep herders, and they’re so good at it that they sometimes try to herd those they love as well. You’ll know that's what they're doing by their body movements and their face.
If they’re giving you or one of your family members their signature stare, they’re laser-focused on getting you all together, whether that be to go to bed or just for fun.
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