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Pasiune peste profit: povestea reală din spatele portretului meu animalul meu de companie

The Real Story Behind Portrait My Pet
The Real Story Behind Portrait My Pet

Într -o lume condusă de succesul financiar, Portretul meu animalul meu este un testament al puterii de durată a pasiunii. În spatele scenei acestei aventuri artistice se află o poveste despre dăruire, artă și bucuria pură derivată din a face o diferență în viața proprietarilor de animale de companie.


Pentru creatorul portretului meu animalul meu de companie, călătoria depășește bilanțul

Deși rentabilitatea poate fi un vis îndepărtat, satisfacția derivată din aducerea zâmbetelor pe fețele proprietarilor de animale de companie a devenit adevărata măsură a succesului. Decizia de a continua crearea portretelor pentru animale de companie, în ciuda provocărilor financiare este înrădăcinată într -o dragoste profundă pentru artă și dorința de a crea ceva semnificativ.


În mijlocul luptei de acoperire a costurilor

De la investiții în timp și marketing până la cheltuielile asociate cu materiale, imprimare și transport maritim - pasiunea pentru artă prevalează. Fiecare lovitură a periei și fiecare portret atent curat este o muncă de dragoste. Legătura creatorului cu forma de artă transcende limitările viabilității financiare, găsind împlinirea în fericirea reflectată în ochii proprietarilor de animale de companie atunci când își primesc Portrete pentru animale de companie personalizate.

Portretul animalului meu de companie nu este doar o afacere; Este o călătorie personală, un efort artistic alimentat de încântarea autentică experimentată de cei care își prețuiesc tovarășii de blană. Această poveste unică explorează motivațiile din spatele alegerii pasiunii asupra profitului, țesând o narațiune care vorbește despre valoarea intrinsecă a creării artei care atinge inimile.

Într -o lume adesea dominată de linii de jos, Portret Pety -ul meu este un memento care, uneori, adevărata bogăție constă în zâmbetele și bucuria împărtășită cu ceilalți prin simpla limbă a artei.

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Basé sur 324 avis
Our review

All very good except delivery tracking.

Great Gift for anyone!

Great gift for family and/or friends. The quality of the picture is great work whether you go canvas or print. Highly recommended for any pet owner!

Absolutely fantastic

Lovely quality and print went for the A2 of my German shepherds, a real talking point when people come round, one of the prints was cut on arrival, contacted them and it was replaced in a few days. Customer service fantastic 5*

Cats as masters.

The portrait of my wife's cats in the masters outfits was superb. The whole process of downloading photos and ordering was really easy and from ordering to delivery was relatively quick. Would highly recommend.

My Son-In-Law is gonna love it!!!

I perused the numerous pages of options to Portrait My Pet and found the perfect option....the dog riding a motorcycle!!! James is also a motorcycle rider and I know he is going to love it for his birthday!!!

Cat of Thrones

This was a gift to my adult son. He is a lover of Game of Thrones and his cat. "This gift is beyond an A+" he said. Your idea was able to help me send my son an unusual and A+ gift!!!
We both love it!!

The very best I could hope for

Our cherished Tinkerbell died and I wanted to remember her as the queen she was. Potrait My Pet were kind and considerate with dry responsive customer service. the proof’s were shared quickly and the product was well packaged. Highly recommend.

Very good.

Very good.

Great gift!

The portrait was a great surprise gift!

Best Doggy gift

So pleased with this as a gift. Very easy to order and got shown an approval preview.very good quality image and paper. Blending in image amazing. Will be ordering one for my own dog.

Perfect Gift

Funny Pictures! Great service and fast delivery!

A beautiful memory

Following the loss of our beloved boy portrait my pet has brought back some amazing memories

Amazing service

So happy with the picture of my pup, nothing was too much trouble for them even though I asked for something specific!
We loved it so much we ordered another! Couldn’t recommend enough!


Great prorate at a good price.

The canvas is perfect! I'm sure my son will love it!

Fabulous artwork and product. Very happy with my purchase.

Great price and end result.
100% happy and satisfied.
Can't wait to see my partners face when she unwraps it on Christmas day.

Fantastic and great quality product. Would highly recommend this website. I love my cat poster, thank you

thank you for letting me see what it would look like beforehand.. and for getting it to me so quickly!! I love it.

Loved our photo and got exactly what we wanted! This was a gift and the recipient is super happy. The owner worked with me and couldn't have been nicer!!

We were under the impression and thought we paid for canvas. We just got a photo on paper. We had it framed and it turned out very nice. I sent two emails about the canvas and heard nothing. Not sure if we would use this site again.

They worked with me to make exactly what I wanted! I'll definitely use them again for any canvas work I need done!

I am extremely thrilled with the portrait.
Excellent quality through and through.
Seller was helpful throughout.
Can't rate highly enough.


Lovely result thanks

Wonderful picture! Really helpful and Gresham communication 😊