6 Ways to Help Your Puppy Through Their Teething Stage

puppy teething
puppy teething

Your puppy will hit several milestones before reaching their adolescence. Once they’ve weaned off their mother, their playful and curious nature will develop and begin to shine. At this stage in your ownership of your puppy, you can expect them to start exploring their surroundings, wagging their tails, and even letting out a cute bark every now and then to express how they feel.

One aspect of your puppy’s growth may not always be as pleasant for the both of you: their teething stage, which will occur during the fifth or sixth week of their life. During this time, your puppy’s gums may feel sore, which can be quite painful for them. Typically, to relieve themselves of this pain, your puppy will attempt to chew anything their little muzzle can get a hold of. If you aren’t monitoring them extensively, chances are your home will be filled with chewed-up shoes and pieces of furniture that have bite marks all over them.   

Here are some practical ways that you can weather through the teething stage with your puppy:


1) Provide Them with Different Types of Teething Toys

On top of investing in chew-proof dog essentials like dog collars and leashes, you’ll want to get proper teething toys for your puppy if you don’t already have them. High-quality teething toys that come in different textures, sizes, and materials will give your puppy the most durable outlets for their impulse to chew.

Make sure to purchase teething toys from brick-and-mortar and online stores that have a good reputation among dog owners. These will be a great investment towards developing your puppy’s teeth and gums properly.

One creative way to keep your teething puppy occupied is by ordering them a funny pet portrait. Get their minds off chewing by letting them pose funny character as famous TV stars or in silly outfits in their very own masterpiece. 


2) Give Them Cold Treats

Ease your puppy's teething discomfort by incorporating cold treats, such as frozen carrot sticks or ice cubes made from low-sodium broth, into their routine. The cold temperature of the treats will provide them with a cooling sensation that helps numb their gums, providing relief from the irritation caused by teething. Chewing on these treats can also serve as a delightful distraction for your pup. Thanks to this simple yet effective method, you can turn a challenging teething phase into a more comfortable experience for your furry companion.


3) Give Them Edible, Natural Chews

Aside from cold treats, you can also give your pup edible, natural chews to satiate their urge to chew on your furniture. High-quality, puppy-safe chews such as bully sticks, dried sweet potato, or specially formulated teething biscuits are excellent choices, as these chews provide a satisfying chewing experience and contribute to maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Natural chews are also more preferable over artificial alternatives because they’re free from additives and preservatives. Just ensure that your chosen chews are appropriate for your puppy's age and size.


4) Practice Soft-Mouth Training

Puppies, in their eagerness to explore and play, may unintentionally nip or bite. You can put them through soft-mouth training, which is a technique that encourages gentle behavior during your pup’s teething stage. It involves teaching them to control the force of their bite, preventing accidental harm.

To start, you can offer your pup treats or toys to reward them for their gentle behavior. If your puppy bites too hard, respond with a gentle but firm "no" and withdraw your attention briefly. Consistency is key in reinforcing the message that gentle play will be rewarded, while rough play will result in a pause in interaction. When soft-mouth training is properly enforced, you can manage your pup’s teething-related nipping while laying the foundation for responsible and considerate puppy behavior.


5) Keep Your Puppy Busy

An occupied puppy is less likely to focus on teething discomfort, which is why it’s a good idea to provide them with a variety of stimulating activities. Puzzle toys, interactive feeders, and a well-rotated selection of toys can prevent boredom and redirect their attention from their sore gums.

Engaging in activities like short training sessions, playtime, and outdoor walks not only distracts them from teething discomfort, but also contributes to their overall well-being. Mental and physical stimulation are crucial during this developmental phase, as they can help your puppy burn off excess energy while easing themselves into a balanced and happy lifestyle.


6) Comfort Your Pup

Finally, don't underestimate the power of comfort and reassurance. Your presence and affection can be incredibly soothing to your puppy during the teething stage. If your puppy seems particularly distressed, take extra initiative to comfort them and give them emotional support.


The teething stage can be a rough time for your pup. As a responsible fur parent, it’s your job to alleviate the pain and discomfort they’re feeling. Use these tips to ensure that your puppy’s teething phase won’t be problematic for either of you, and that your fur baby will happily sport their new set of chompers in no time.

At Portrait My Pet, we care about the holistic health of your furry companions. Our blog post, "All You Need to Know About Using Diatomaceous Earth on Your Dog," delves into the uses, benefits, and proper application of diatomaceous earth to enhance your dog's life. Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or a new fur parent, our blog provides valuable insights into various aspects of pet care


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